
编辑:2022-06-10 10:06:06

VPA以国家课程为基础,结合IB 课程体系,根据六大超学科主题设计单元探究式学习,以知识、概念、态度、行动、技能为5大课程要素构建学习框架,在掌握知识的基础上教会学生提炼概念、培养学习态度,做到IB课程与国家课程的真正融合。

Our curriculum is based on national curriculum, combined with IB curriculum system, and designed unit inquiry learning according to six interdisciplinary themes, building a learning framework with knowledge, concept, attitude, action and skills as five curriculum elements, teaching students to refine concepts and cultivate learning attitude on the basis of mastering knowledge, and achieved the real integration of IB curriculum and national curriculum.

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