创造、行动、与服务(CAS)Creativity, Activity, Services

VPA的学生分别组织和参与不同类型的本地及境外活动, 使他们能够扩阔国际视野和增强社会责任意识。

小学项目 : 行动


中学项目 : 服务即行动

中学项目旨在帮助学生在日新月异和日渐相连的世界建立归属感,及培养正面的学习态度,并以「服务即行动」 为课程核心之一。

在VPA,「 服务即行动」 等同「社区参与| 。透过积极并持之以恒及以创新的方式参与社区服务,学生能扩展国际视野及培养知识学习法。

At VPA, students organise and participate in a wide range of activities, both locally and globally, through which they develop a greater sense of international mindedness and social responsibility.

Primary Years Programme – Action
An important aspect of the PYP programme is student-initiated action. Students are encouraged to reflect, make informed choices and take action that will help their peers and the wider community.Besides changing modifying their attitudes and behaviour, students support local and overseas charities by fundraising and participating in community service.


Middle Years Programme – Service As Action
The Middle Years Programme is designed “to help students find a sense of belonging in the ever-changing and increasingly interrelated world around them and to foster a positive attitude to learning”, with "service as action" as one of the main focuses.

At VPA “service as action” is used interchangeably with “community engagement”. Through community engagement, students become "globally conscious individuals" characterized with IB learner profile and equipped with good ATL skills, while committing themselves to long-term and sustainable service work as well as being involved in something creative and active.

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