Connie Li


Hong Kong


Deputy Principal


Doctor of Education from University of Hong Kong
Master of Education from University of Hong Kong 

Teaching Qulifications

Dr. Li holds a Master's and Doctoral degree in Education from the University of Hong Kong, along with teaching qualifications certified in the United States and the United Kingdom, and advanced certification in IB (International Baccalaureate) teaching and research. Prior to joining Victoria Park Academy, she has taught in mainland China and abroad, and worked at Victoria Shanghai Academy for over seven years. Beyond teaching and administration, she serves as an IB MYP (Middle Years Programme) examiner, possessing extensive practical experience in IB curriculum and pedagogical research. She has conducted numerous workshops in Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan. As a research-oriented educator and administrator, Dr. Li is deeply passionate about concepts such as the integrated model and holistic development in international curriculum education.

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