

At VPA, we aim to enable our students to fully master both Chinese (Mandarin) and English, to become genuine bilingual learners, and to promote international mindset and cultural awareness through language learning.

In the Primary Years Programme,

In order to create a good bilingual environment for students, VPA has implemented the dual-teacher system, with one Chinese teacher and one foreign English teacher for each class from grade 1 to 5.

The TCRWP is also introduced to actively promote story book reading and creation, and to promote the balanced development of bilingual reading and writing.


In the Middle Years Programme,

As a bilingual school, we have a balanced ratio between Chinese and foreign teachers, and we take good care of language differences of students by providing different levels of language courses and personalized EAL support.

VPA’s Chinese and English teams are both passionate in cultivating students’ enthusiasm for reading by carefully selecting quality texts, conducting reading programs in the library and interviews with famous writers, and encourage students to learn and master both languages.


Shenzhen Victoria Park Academy is the first K9 bilingual school founded by Victoria (China) Education Group in Mainland China. Dr. Maggie Koong, the Head of Academy of Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA), will lead Victoria Park Academy as Chief Principal. Victoria Education was founded in Hong Kong in 1965, and was introduced to the Mainland in 1998 by Dr. Maggie Koong and soon after the Victoria (China) Education Group was established.

Victoria Park Academy is an IB School that integrates two independent yet complementary educational philosophies. It immerses Chinese educational traditions with inquiry-based learning. The Academy offers immersive bilingual education - one teacher, one language. All students will be taught by two class teachers, one specializing in Mandarin Chinese and the other in English. The unique curriculum system and the established campus culture aims to combine the educational strengths and urban characteristics of Shenzhen and Hong Kong to cultivate future learners who are caring, driven, daring, and persevering. We strive to serve our purpose of empowering the students with Chinese heritage and a global vision.

© 2022 Victoria Park Academy 粤ICP备2022139973号-1  营业执照  支持:鞍山龙采
