
编辑:2022-06-17 11:40:45


Subscribing Parents Event
June 23rd Thursday 19:00


[V-Shark Saying] Shenzhen Victoria Park Academy is a Year 1 to Year 9 bilingual school. Victoria Education Organization was founded in Hong Kong in 1965, and is well known in Hong Kong for its excellence in academics, character building, and individual nurturing of young learners.

VPA will integrate the Chinese educational tradition of respecting the teachers and valuing rigorous academic disciplines, with the pioneering teaching concept of inquiry-based learning. The Academy continues the 50 years’ tradition of immersive bilingual education – ‘one teacher, one language’. 

In order to help you gain a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of VPA, V-Shark will introduce the curriculum system featuring IBTechnology and InnovationHolistic Education and Language Literacy from now on.

Before taking a glimpse at what we do in language learning, V-Shark would like to ask a few questions first:
-Is reading as natural as speaking?
-What to do with a child who is eloquent in speaking but has difficulties in writing?
-How to help students turn their thoughts into practice through reading and writing?

In the era which highly advocates reading, reading is increasingly sought after by educational experts and parents both as educational approaches and as teaching contents. More and more teachers around the world have realized that the meaning of reading is not only to decode texts, memorize facts or answer questions correctly, but also to encourage students to constantly deepen their thinking on what changes of mind or new thoughts can be drawn from the reading process.

At VPA, we provide:  

Language Literacy
•Columbia University Literacy Program(bilingual)
•Words Their Way - Word Study, Phonics & Vocabulary Building Program(English Phonics Programme)

Inquiry Learning


What is TCRWP?

Professor Calkins is far more typical in the world of curriculum development: She is a teacher, a writer, and a theorist.



Professor Calkins became a revolutionary leader in education by bringing these practices to young children at a time when penmanship, spelling and sentence structure were often a bigger focus. At Teachers College, she began training educators in New York City schools, prompting them to give children “writers’ notebooks” to chronicle their lives.


The Columbia Teachers College Reading and Writing Program’s purpose is to foster a life-long love of reading and writing, and to inspire children to be avid readers and writers. Time is given each day for active and purposeful engagement in reading and writing. One of the most important aspects of the program is the concept of choice. The students themselves choose what they want to read and write about, ensuring that they are active participants in their learning.

The Reading and Writing Project now partners with approximately 700 schools and supports tens of thousands of teachers each year. TCRWP runs almost forty mini-institutes annually on topics ranging from teaching nonfiction reading to equity, from phonics to supporting kids with IEPs, and it annually leads over a hundred locally based institutes in school districts worldwide.


Source:TCRWP 2019 Data Report

What is the balanced literacy program?

We provide a supportive learning experience for our students, who can conduct their own learning according to the strategies provided by the teachers. The Reader’s & Writer’s Workshop ensures balanced literacy as there is daily practice of read-alouds, guided reading, shared reading, phonics, independent reading, interactive writing, shared writing and word study.

At VPA, we encourage students to read and write independently in reading workshops and writing workshops. We offer a curriculum that integrates reading and writing workshops where they are inseparable and supporting each other.

There are differences between shared reading and reading workshops. In shared reading, students read the relatively harder article for 4 or 5 days, from the teacher to the end of the students can read on their own, to help students learn and repeat reading strategies, improve language reading fluency, accuracy, comprehension and reading habits, so that students learn to write from "writers".

Shared writing and interactive writing are written by students and teachers, students provide ideas or opinions, and teachers demonstrate writing: sentence structure, grammar, words, and revisions. 

How to read and write on grade level?

When children enter primary school, they begin to establish writing awareness. The first step in writing is for the teacher to clearly demonstrate. In traditional classes, teachers attach importance to rules. For example, the first letter should be capitalized, each letter should be written within a line, a finger should be left between the letters, and punctuation should be added at the end of the sentence.








Principal Koong shared a recent case of writing workshop at VSA.

In this class, students were encouraged to twist fairy tales. The story of "Cinderella" becomes the "cunning Prince" under the student's pen. And the three little pigs have very different fairy tale endings.

Principal Koong introduced the lesson this way: "These fairy tales have been interpreted in many different versions, and the children do not read for the sake of reading the classics, but to deconstruct the classics and recreate the narratives."

"Bilingual writing courses are not simply Chinese or English translations, we will use English for reading analysis and writing according to the children's favorite topics, and Chinese for another one. It is most difficult to get Chinese and English teachers to work closely together to design a curriculum, which is hard to be implemented in many schools. " Principal Koong emphasized, "In the writers’ workshop, we allow children to make spelling and grammatical errors, and encourage them to be bold and creative."

How to express emotions, reflections, and findings?

Taking the IB philosophy as the core, we have been designing and developing various courses at VSA, and the language and literature curriculum is inseparable from the IB learning method. ATL, as an approach to learn, is blending in a concept-driven inquiry curriculum with language learning.





VSA中文学科建设负责人Connie分享了一个高年级的概念驱动的单元案例。在整本文学作品单元 《喜宴》的教学设计中,学生层层细读文本,并积极思考不同观点、多元文化与身份认同在文本中的呈现,学生通过ATL学习活动将具体性的知识转化为概念性理解,最终能够迁移到新情境或现实问题中,展开对全球议题的探讨





The above is the VPA course feature introduction series of [Language Learning]. we will focus on whole person education and give more detailed introduction to our whole-person education in the next article. Stay tuned.

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